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Historic Minutes & Agendas
2023 Board Action Items
2023-12 Board Action Items
December 2023 Board Action Items
Approved Meeting minutes November 16, 2023.
Adopted Resolution 23-1214-01 approving Controller as authorized user for LOGIC and TexPool.
Adopted Order 23-1214-01 approving District PayScale.
Adopted Order 23-1214-02 approving Amended and Restated Investment Policy, Investment Strategies and Broker/Dealer List.
Adopted Order 23-1214-03 approving the Youth Volunteer Agreement with legal edits as discussed.
Adopted Order 23-1214-04 approving PSA with SEC Planning, LLC for Cat Hollow Park Tree Study Master Plan with $24,700 in funding coming from the committed fund balance, project 7097, Post URI Tree remediation.
Adopted Order 23-1214-05 approving PSA with SEC Planning, LLC for Great Oaks Median Tree Study Master Plan with $55,800 in funding coming from the committed fund balance, project 7097, Post URI Tree remediation.
Adopted Order 23-1214-07 declaring District property as surplus and authorizing the sale, donation, and/or disposal of items as recommended by the District.
Adopted Order 23-1214-08 approving PSA Amendment No. 1 with MRB for Sam Bass project construction phase services.
Adopted Order 23-1214-09 approving PSA Amendment No. 2 with STV for GIS support services.
Adopted Order 23-1214-10 approving PSA with Water Technologies Inc. for an assessment of District pools and general consulting services.
Adopted Order 23-1214-11 approving contract with Legacy Tree for clearing of the Woods Shaded Fuel Break with the additional funding from Board contingency.
Adopted Order 23-1214-12 approving 60-month electrical agreement with TXU Energy Retail Company LLC, and authorizing the General Manager to sign electronic agreement.
Adopted Order 23-1214-13 approving Pitney Bowes lease agreement and Texas Office Systems maintenance agreement authorizing the General Manager to sign the agreement once legal has reviewed.
Adopted Order 23-1214-14 approving amendments to the safekeeping of District funds.
Approved combining Combo Camp with Camp Foxtail.
Approved Shirley McDonald Landscaping Plans.
Authorized the General Manager to sign PSA with Ardurra for winterization project after legal review.
Approved FY23 Fourth Quarter Financial Reports.
Approved FY25 Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Calendar.
Approved FY24 Board and Committee Meeting Calendar.
Appointed Director Calloway as the Assistant Secretary.
Appointed Director Filiatrault as the Alternate Ex Officio of the Community Center Advisory Committee.
Board Meeting Packets