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Historic Minutes & Agendas
2024 Board Action Items
2024-11 Board Action Items
November 2024 Board Action Items
Approved Board Meeting Minutes: October 24, 2024.
Accepted Public Works Operations report as presented.
Accepted Shared Services operations and projects report.
Accepted Board direction report.
Adopted Order 24-1114-01 approving the Member and Rental Supervisor and Utility Services Technician III job descriptions.
Adopted Order 24-1114-03 approving the District's pay scale.
Adopted Order 24-1024-02 approving the District's org. chart.
Accepted report concerning the status and disposition of property previously declared to be surplus by Order of the Board of Directors.
Accepted reports concerning the Board Contingency, Unassigned and Capital Outlay, Projects, and Fund Balance Reserves.
Adopted Order 24-1114-05 approving the contract with Progressive Commercial Aquatics for Accu-Tab chemical system conversion at Creekside, Highland Horizon, and Sendero Springs Pools from FY25 Board contingency.
Approved the Austin Dog Alliance application as a large group and approved the use of Cat Hollow Park and Field Pavilion for a fundraiser to provide service dogs to veterans to be held on Sunday, November 9, 2025.
Approved the Austin Japan Community application as a large group and approved the use of Cat Hollow Park and Field Pavilion for their Children's Halloween Party to be held on January 5, 2025.
Adopted Order 24-1114-06 approving Professional Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group in the amount of $623,385 for professional services relating to the Field Operations Site & Building Improvements using FY25 budget reserve funding.
Approved purchase of a Dell File Host from Gravity Systems in the amount of $70,375.20 with FY25 Board contingency.
Adopted Order 24-1114-008 approving the District’s Website Privacy Policy.
Adopted Order 24-1114-09 approving the District's Covered Applications and Prohibited Technology Policy.
Adopted Order 24-1114-07 approving contracts for programming transportation with Round Rock Independent School District, School Break Camps (2024-2025).
Approved merit supplement pay for the Recreation Administrative Assistant.
Accepted the Cat Hollow and Great Oaks Median Tree Survey results.
Adopted Order 24-1114-10 approving contract with SEC Planning for general landscape professional services using FY25 management and operating budget.
Adopted Order 24-1114-11 approving the contract with Legacy Arbor for shaded fuel break work in Zones 1, 2, and 3 for $91,996 from FY25 operating budget.
Adopted Order 24-1114-12 of the District's Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control Program rules.
Adopted Order 24-1114-13 approving Professional Service Agreement with MRB Group in the amount of $49,940 for professional engineering services relating to the Brushy Creek North Sanitary Sewer Capacity Project with costs of these services being funded by FY25 Operating funds.
Adopted Order 24-1114-14 approving the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Williamson County, Texas, and Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District Regarding the Sam Bass Project.
Adopted Order 24-1114-04 approving Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 with Garver in the amount of $7,607.50 for professional services relating to the O'Connor Monument Sign Relocation Project using the allocated FY24 budget reserves for this project.
Adopted Resolution 24-1114-01 approving the request by the Cat Hollow at Brushy Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. for refurbishment of the gravel paths on Liberty Walk Tax Parcel No. R372915 (S6707 - Cat Hollow Sec A Ph 5, BLOCK F, Lot 36, ACRES 0.143).
Board Meeting Packets