Policies, Rules & Rates : Solid Waste Fees

Solid Waste Fees

  1. The District shall collect the following fees for trash collection and administration for Single Family Residences and Duplex Family Residences with water service at the same address:

a. $24.03 for trash services (1 garbage cart and 1 recycling cart) (New rate $24.03 effective October 1, 2024)
b. $7.08 for additional garbage or recycling cart (New rate $7.08 effective October 1, 2024.

    2. Stop or Restart Trash Service Request Administration Fee - $15.00 each per occurrence.

    3. Customers are responsible for the cost of replacing solid waste or recycling costs that are lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed by abuse at a cost of $65.00 plus $25.00 delivery fee.