To Brushy Creek MUD residents:
The Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District appreciates our residents for making this District a wonderful place to live, play, and work. Our goal is to have our residents live "The Brushy Creek Life." To that end, we strive to create the highest quality of life for all Brushy Creek residents.
In August 2023, the BCMUD Board of Directors approved an increase in trash and recycling fees that applies to all District residents. The increase, which goes into effect Oct. 1, 2023, comes due to the rising cost of providing trash and recycling services.
District service provider Texas Disposal Systems is contractually permitted to seek annual cost increases for waste management services. Whenever possible, the District works to abate cost increases for residents.
- In Fiscal Year 2023, the Board approved a 4% increase based on the national Consumer Price Index as well as an 8% surcharge increase for one year.
- However, in FY 2024, the board approved another 4% CPI cost increase but denied a new 8% surcharge increase.
We understand increases like these can add up and are unwelcome, and we try to avoid them as much as possible. The BCMUD has not increased resident fees for trash and recycling services since Sept. 10, 2015. However, the decision to increase fees for these services was necessary to recover our costs for the administration services provided.
It’s never easy when the cost of services increases, especially at a time when many households are already grappling with financial pressures. The recent decision to raise fees was made with careful consideration of the District’s fiscal situation and the necessity to maintain additional services. However, we understand it’s important to acknowledge the challenges residents may face as a result of increased costs.
While we can’t predict what outside factors may necessitate rate and fee increases, District leadership strives to exhaust all possible options before bringing cost increases to BCMUD residents. Moving forward, we will continue to seek the most fiscally fair options for our residents and the District.