Brushy Creek North Waterline Improvement Project
The Board of Directors of the Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District has approved a project to improve the water distribution system in the Brushy Creek North Neighborhood.
Click HERE for complete information regarding this project
04/15/16 Update
The waterline project is nearing completion. The project extended beyond the original timeline primarily due to the discovery of 5 voids (caves) while trenching for new lines. The openings to 3 of the voids have been closed using a plan approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Two voids remain open while engineers complete the designs for closing them. While these voids are open, the District cannot work within 50 feet of the space. The District is taking necessary steps to ensure environmentally safe and efficient methods are used to close these voids.
The majority of all digging, trenching and /or boring is complete. Some waterline main remains to be placed in the area of the open voids.
Once the waterline installation is completed, contractors expect the waterline to be charged (filled) by mid May. Testing will be performed and if everything is satisfactory, the new system will be put into use. Restoration and cleanup will begin and a final walkthrough of the project will be completed to note any remaining issues.
As part of this project, the District identified and repaired 5 leaks in the original waterline. These leaks accounted for approximately 9 million gallons of lost water a month.
The District thanks the residents of Brushy Creek North for their understanding and patience during this project.